Curriculum vitae for Philipp Dutkowski
Current position: Leitender Arzt, Leiter Transplantation, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Academic title: Prof. Dr. med.
Teaching field: Visceral Surgery, Transplant Surgery, HPB Surgery
Family: 2 children
Work address: Department of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital Zürich, Rämistr 100, 8091 Zürich. Email :, Tel.: 044 255 4236
Specialization: Visceral Surgery, Oncological Surgery, Liver Transplantation, HPB Surgery
1969 - 1982
Primary and High school (Germany)
1983 - 1984
Military service (Germany)
1984 - 1985
Study of Chemistry (Technical University Munich, Germany)
1985 - 1991
Study of Medicine (University of Ulm, Germany)
Degrees / Exams:
Basic Science FMGEMS (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences)
MD (University of Ulm)
Doctoral thesis : “Isolation and characterisation of isoenzymes of cytochrome P-450 out of baboon liver “
Clinical Science FMGEMS
Board Certification in General Surgery (Germany)
Habilitation (University of Mainz) in Surgery : “Influence of hypothermic oxygenated oscillating liver perfusion on liver metabolism and on the release of reactive oxygen species”
Board Certification Visceral Surgery (Germany)
Umhabilitation University of Zürich
Titularprofessur University of Zürich
Resident in Internal Medicine (Riedlingen, Germany)
Resident in Surgery (Department of General and Visceral Surgery, University of Mainz)
Attending (staff) Surgeon (Department of General and Visceral Surgery, University of Mainz)
Senior (staff) Surgeon (Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland)
Training in liver transplantation
since 2008
Head of liver transplantation program, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich
since 2008
Member of the Directory board Transplant Center, University Hospital Zürich
since 2009
Head of Abdominal Organ Transplantation, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich
since 2009
Leitender Arzt (Department of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital Zürich
Research activity
Research residency Organ preservation lab, Department of Surgery, Wisconsin (J.-H. Southard)
Evolution of machine liver perfusion in rats, Department of Surgery, University Mainz (T. Junginger)
10/2004- 2010
Application of machine liver perfusion in rat and pig liver transplant models, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zurich (P.-A. Clavien)
since 2012
Human DCD liver machine perfusion
since 2012
Machine perfusion of DCD livers for protection from biliary injury
- Richard-Merten Award : “Systemic internal quality control in surgery” 1998
- Boehringer-Ingelheim Award, University of Mainz 2002 : “Influence of hypothermic oxygenated oscillating liver perfusion on liver metabolism and on the release of reactive oxygen species”
- Teacher of the Year-Award 2004, Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital Zürich
- Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC) Research Award 2005 : “Rescue of the cold preserved rat liver by hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion”
- Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC) Research Award 2008 : “Simple and effective machine perfusion of non heart beating donor pig livers before transplantation
- Swiss Transplant Research Award 2010 “One hour hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) protects nonviable liver allografts donated after cardiac death”
- Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC) Research Award 2010 “One hour hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) protects nonviable liver allografts donated after cardiac death”
- Swiss Transplant Research Award 2013” The use of fatty liver grafts in modern allocation systems: risk assessment by the balance of risk (BAR) score”
- 70 papers in peer reviewed journals
- 12 book chapters:
- Oesophaguskarzinom (Onkologische Chirurgie) 2002
- Therapie des Plattenepithelkarzinoms (Management des Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinoms) 2004
- Strategies for safer liver surgery (Malignant Liver Tumors) 2009
- Liver transplantation (Clinical update on inflammatory disorders of the GI tract) 2010
- Circulatory injury in liver transplantation (Vascular Liver diseases) 2010
- Immunosuppression in Organ Transplantation (Mastery of Surgery) 2010
- The transplant operation (Medical care for the liver transplant patients) 2010
- The difficult surgical patients (Medical care for the liver transplant patients) 2010
- Chirurgische Therapie der Portalen Hypertension (Gastroenterologische Chirurgie) 2011
- Critical care for the transplant patient (Medical care for the liver transplant patients) 2011
- Benign liver tumors (Shackleford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract) 2012
- Liver transplantation (second edition: Atlas for Upper GI and HPB surgery) 2013
Professional Membership
- German Society of Surgery (DGCH)
- German Society of Visceral Surgery (DGCV)
- Swiss Society of Transplantation (SGTx)
- International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)
- European Surgical Association (ESA)
- European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
- European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
German Research Society (DFG) stipendiat (Research residency at the University of Wisconsin, Department of Surgery, Organ preservation laboratory, Prof. J.H. Southard)
Novartis Stiftung for Medical Research : “Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion of the cold stored rat liver in non-heart beating donors”.
SNF grant 3200B0-118090 (Principal Investigator): Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) of non heart beating donor livers prior to transplantation
SNF grant 32002B-135591 (Co-Investigator) : Sevoflurane in liver transplantation
SNF grant 32003B-140776/1(Principal Investigator): Machine perfusion of DCD livers for protection from biliary injury
Key Original Papers
- Schlegel A, de Rougemont O, Graf R, Clavien PA, Dutkowski P. Protective mechanisms of end-ischemic cold machine perfusion in DCD liver grafts; JHE 2013 vol. 58 j 278–286. (Impact 9.3)
- Dutkowski P, Schlegel A, Slankamenac K, Oberkofler C, Adam R,Burroughs AK, Schadde E, Müllhaupt B, Clavien PA. The use of fatty liver grafts in modern allocation systems: risk assessment by the balance of risk (BAR) score. Ann Surg 2012, 256: 861-869. (Impact 7.5)
- Dutkowski P, Oberkofler CE, Slankamenac K, Puhan MA, Schadde E, Müllhaupt B, Geier A, Clavien PA. Are there better guidelines for allocation in liver transplantation? A novel score targeting justice and utility in the Model for end stage liver disease era. Ann Surg 2011, 254: 745-753. (Impact 7.5)
- de Rougemont O, Breitenstein S, Leskosek B, Weber A, Graf R, Clavien P-A, Dutkowski P. One hour hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) protects nonviable liver allografts donated after cardiac death. Ann Surg 2009, 250:674-683. (Impact 7.5)
- Dutkowski P, Furrer K, Tian Y, Graf R, Clavien P-A. Novel short term hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) system prevents injury in rat liver graft from non-heart beating donor. Ann Surg 2006 Dec,244(6): 968-976. (Impact 7.5)